About the report – Introduction

Once again, we have decided to take up the challenge of presenting the most important information about our sustainable development activities and the related non-financial data. Every year, we also report on our activities by issuing the corporate responsibility reports of the Deutsche Telekom (DT) Group. Since 2019, we have decided to regularly prepare comprehensive sustainability reports. Our first 2019 Social Report was published in 2020 as an online report, and it is available here. Our aim is to be close to our stakeholders, and we therefore want to inform our surroundings, in a way that is easily accessible, about our activities, initiatives, and social and environmental measures, as well as outcomes of the said. Thanks to online reports, we present all information on our website, in one easily accessible place.

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This year’s report by T-Mobile Polska was prepared in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards in the Core version, and it covers T-Mobile Polska’s activities in 2020. The report was subject to external verification by an audit firm. The final form of the report was approved by the Management Board. In connection with our commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the report also reports on the fulfilment of the selected SDGs. We consider responsible business as a long-term commitment to work for the benefit of the environment; therefore, we want to publish our reports regularly, on an annual basis.

The process of preparation of the report is divided into several stages, which helps us choose the most important issues for both the company and stakeholders. Due to the epidemic, stakeholders could not be directly involved in the work on the report. The process of report creation and selection of topics was aided by advisors from Go Responsible. Issues which are important for T-Mobile, to be included in the report, were selected during individual interviews attended by representatives of the company’s key areas. Additionally, to assess the important issues that should be described in the report, a group of our direct stakeholders was invited to take part in an anonymous questionnaire — managers, store and call centre employees, and employees from various regions, franchisees, universities, non-government organisations, Deutsche Telekom, the Ministry of Digital Affairs, the regulatory authority, the media, competitors, business and industry organisations and others took part in it. We received nearly 70 responses to the online questionnaire. On the basis of that information, we developed a list of key issues to be included in this year’s report.

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