Ethics and compliance

T-Mobile employees are characterised by their integrity, ethical behaviour and personal responsibility. The rules of ethics in the workplace are laid down in the Code of Conduct. This code also sets out the principles to be followed in relations with all stakeholders.

Ethics and counteracting corruption

  • 102-16

The Code of Conduct adopted by T-Mobile is entirely based on the Five Guiding Principles of the Deutsche Telekom Group:

  • Corporate Governance — compliance with legal regulations and international standards.
  • Business relationships with both private and public sectors.
  • Avoiding other conflicts of interest.
  • Private use of company property.
  • Handling information.

Since 2020, new company values have been in force at T-Mobile Polska:

  • Be with the client
  • Achieve goals
  • Act with respect
  • We are in this together
  • Count on me
  • Be curious
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Preventing all types of corruption or conflict of interest is an important element of our corporate governance. The company’s policy in this respect has been clearly defined in its internal regulations that are consistent with the rules in force within the Deutsche Telekom Group, in particular in the Code of Conduct. To counter abuse, we make efforts to ensure transparency as part of relationships with our counterparties, and we educate employees on compliance with the law and ethical values of the Deutsche Telekom Group. Compliance with the law and internal regulations is monitored by the Compliance Management Department Team.
Thanks to this approach, there were no incidents of corruption reported in our organisation in 2020.
At the same time, we also respect high standards of cooperation with our sector as a whole. In 2020, no anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust or monopoly practices were recorded at T-Mobile.
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All T-Mobile employees working under employment contracts, as well as its management, attend training courses on ethics. They also familiarise themselves with the anti-corruption principles adopted by the company. The training sessions are also attended by some employees employed under other contract types. The onboarding of new staff members encompasses mandatory training on ethics and anti-corruption principles.

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Compliance training courses also cover elements related to human rights under the Code of Conduct provisions. Therefore, all employees also completed training on the compliance with human rights. New employees have to undergo the Code of Conduct training under their onboarding process. Additionally, specific groups of employees (e.g., Call Center, consultants in stores) also complete training courses which cover the elements of the Code of Conduct. The same is true for e-learning — every year, part of our employees undergo training on issues such as corruption.

On 9 December, we celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day. This is a time to refresh the values and rules of business ethics throughout the Deutsche Telekom Group.

Each employee or colleague can ask questions whenever in doubt as to the way to act in any specific situation. To this end, a special advisory portal, called the Compliance Desk, has been activated, which helps to answer questions about guidelines and situations where an employee is not sure how to act or how to interpret internal procedures.

Employees can report violations or inappropriate behaviour in the company, also anonymously via a dedicated website. Whistle-blowers who act in good faith and to the best of their knowledge need not be afraid of any adverse consequences if they do not violate the mandatory rules of conduct. Reports should be made by informing the supervisor, via email or anonymously via the Tip-off (Tell Me!) portal. All reported information is strictly confidential and analysed by trained employees bound to confidentiality. These types of notifications are processed in observance of confidentiality, with the aim of verifying the situation and planning measures intended to eliminate such risks in the future.

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In 2020, 7 incidents of discrimination among employees were reported.
All incidents were addressed by taking measures as provided for in the procedures indicated in the Strategy for Counteracting Mobbing and Unequal Treatment at T-Mobile Polska. Depending on the outcome of the procedure, various solutions were implemented, for example, corrective action plans, working with a coach, dedicated training courses. Corrective action plans and their outcomes are verified on an ongoing basis both by the internal Coordinator for the procedures and by managers, who are further informed about the outcomes of the procedure and verify the measures taken, corrective action plans.

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