We educate the elderly

As part of the cooperation with the Manko-Senior Voice Association, T-Mobile has started an educational campaign which aims to make seniors more aware of the problem of fraudsters extracting money by means of phone calls, which is called Wangiri fraud.

The fraudsters very often use international phone numbers which, at first sight, seem to be no different from Polish ones. They make short, one-ring calls to randomly selected phone numbers. When trying to call back, the caller usually hears a ringing or busy signal, but in fact the caller is already being charged for the call at that point.

We have decided to take care of the elderly because this group is particularly vulnerable to the dangers related to new technologies, as seniors do not have knowledge about technology and its capabilities. That is why we want to educate seniors about this subject, hence the idea of the campaign entitled: ‘Dear Senior, watch out for these numbers’ (Seniorze, uważaj na te numery). We hope that thanks to campaigns such as this one, all users of the network will feel safe.


As part of the programme, we started educational activities in cooperation with the Manko-Senior Voice Association

A cycle of articles was developed the aim of which was to explain what the wangiri fraud method is about and how we can protect ourselves from falling victim to it. In addition, we prepared an educational brochure which explains the mechanism of the fraud in an accessible form. The material was disseminated directly to residential care home for the elderly, seniors’ organisations and partner municipalities, but also to Universities of the Third Age and Senior Clubs, which received special posters.

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