Educating employees

We have decided to actively involve T-Mobile employees in the activities aimed at the implementation of the strategy. The 2020 WE CARE campaign focused on education and promotion of positive eco-friendly attitudes among employees — at work and at home. Our activities focused on topics such as limiting plastic use, reducing water and electricity consumption, and avoiding wasting food.

We went to locations that are open to public and placed special educational stickers there to remind people of the small daily habits, such as using less water, or turning the lights off.
As part of our new proposal to get employees involved and encourage people to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, we organised a cycle of events, meetings with ‘Eco-Friendly Fridays’ (Eko Piątki) experts. Every week for a month, we offered workshops and lectures together with experts. The meetings covered various subjects, including recycling, composting and upcycling.


Employees could take part in sustainable consumption workshops. They could talk about how to make purchasing decisions while taking account of all the associated consequences. They could learn how to read ingredient lists on products, what packaging is best to choose when shopping, how to identify organic food and eco-friendly cosmetics, or whether certificates on products are needed.


As part of Eco-Friendly Fridays, employees also learnt about the ways to have less waste at home and they got to know the most important information on plastic pollution.

The last meeting as part of Eco-Friendly Fridays was devoted to the environmental impact of technologies. Participants learnt, among other things, what example applications are aimed to give us a more eco-friendly life, and how we can use computers and smartphones in a more sustainable way to reduce the consumption of energy.

Zero waste challenge

As part of the Zero Waste Challenge project, we prepared an eco-friendly guide for our employees to present ideas on how we can help our planet through small changes in daily habits. Thus, we draw attention to the fact that even little things, when they are repeated every day, bring real benefits to the environment.

zero waste zero waste

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