We support the development of Smart City


T-Mobile Polska is not only a provider of telephony and internet services, but it is above all an expert in new technologies. With our expertise, experience and state-of-the-art solutions applied in the services that we offer, we want to be a partner in the development of new technologies also in cities. Our objective is to develop state-of-the-art tools to support urban management, to be a service provider who makes the lives of residents easier.

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In recent years, we have managed to establish cooperation with several cities, which brought interesting and advanced projects into fruition.

As part of our cooperation with the Municipal Services Company of the city of Wałbrzych, we have put in place a system to optimise the disposal of municipal waste. This includes 150 sensors installed in waste containers which report to a central application accessed by waste management workers at the Municipal Services Company. The project makes innovative use of the Internet of Things technology, using a dedicated NarrowBand IoT network.

The use of ultrasonic sensors to measure container filling levels ensures regular measurements over many years of use. At the same time, it allows abandoning conventional waste disposal according to a disposal schedule in favour of disposal according to the actual, current and evolving needs. Because the application is available for the user through the web browser, the Client is able to implement the project instantly without the need to invest in infrastructure or equipment for the application operators.

The project contributes to the optimisation of urban waste management, the basic process for the city and its inhabitants, and as such it also forms part of the idea of Smart City.

Another city we have established cooperation with is Chocianów. Under the agreement between T-Mobile Polska and the city and municipality of Chocianów located in the Lower Silesian voivodeship, we implemented a number of modern smart city solutions which improve the lives and safety of residents.

In the first stage of the project, an urban video surveillance system was installed. This is a response to the needs of residents who have called for effective surveillance and improvement of safety in the city. The video detection and video image analysis system implemented by T‑Mobile is based on state-of-the-art behavioural algorithms and elements of artificial intelligence. The system detects undesirable events in real time and allows immediate reaction of the relevant services in the city.

Another component of a smart city is installation of the city’s Wi-Fi system, which has been installed at the most important landmarks of the city, thus improving the access to Internet resources for residents and visitors.

TMobile is actively expanding its base stations to include Narrowband-IoT, a data transmission standard designed to build Smart City and the Internet of Things solutions. At the end of April this year, the coverage of the NB-IoT network already covered 94% of Poland’s territory.

In 2020, T-Mobile and the City of Wrocław launched a smart system for monitoring the availability of parking spaces, which will allow people with disabilities to perform real time checks and, thereby, find the available disabled parking spaces. The same solution was used to implement a system for monitoring the availability of coach parking bays, which will also operate in Wrocław. The system consists of, among others, 220 sensors that are permanently fixed on the road surface.

The smart parking network will shorten the time needed to find a free parking space and reduce excess urban traffic. It will cover a total of 220 spaces: for disabled vehicles as well as tourist coach parking bays of a temporary and long-term type (the latter allows for parking without a time limit).

The system consists of detectors, an information transmission system, an application and a data exchange platform. It operates on the basis of Narrow Band IoT, which will allow future development of the implemented system and other Smart City solutions in Wrocław.

Users of the system in Wrocław will receive ParkDots, a parking app available for Android and iOS devices. Because the detection covers disabled spaces, the mobile application has been adjusted to match the needs of visually impaired and blind people, who use a ‘screen reader’. The accessibility for the blind and visually impaired conforms to WCAG 2.0 standards.

Additionally, an application available through a website has been created for the city’s guard services, which allows to detect offenses (coaches exceeding the allowed parking time), edit the existing parking spaces or add more information to their descriptions. Parking spaces available in ParkDots also include spaces in Jelenia Góra, covered by detection as part of the previous project carried out by T‑Mobile.

At TMobile, we want to increase the level of life comfort for our customers.
Their needs are of concern to us and we want to make sure that all the solutions we implement are in line with their expectations. The solution implemented in Wrocław is an excellent example of how innovation can facilitate the everyday lives of people with disabilities.

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