Management in conformity with values. WE CARE Strategy


T-Mobile operates in conformity with the corporate responsibility strategy adopted in 2019. Our activities are consistent, compliant with the direction of business followed by the entire Deutsche Telekom Group. The corporate responsibility strategy for 2020-2025 sets the directions for our activities, goals and principles of corporate social responsibility in all areas of the company’s operations.

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The corporate responsibility strategy of T‑Mobile Polska defines three strategic directions: digital responsibility, social responsibility, environmental responsibility and the area of responsible management, which is necessary for their effective implementation. The strategy is our response to the changing environment: as a responsible organisation, we want to show that we are aware of how we influence the development of present and future generations. Therefore, we will strive to accomplish the set goals, and we will also participate in the joint efforts of our stakeholders. We want to be an inspiration for others — our employees, customers and business partners.

Strategy of the Deutsche Telekom Group

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CR Strategy of T-Mobile Polska

At T-Mobile Polska, we are trying to embed all the sustainable development activities in business activities to achieve consistent goals and the best possible business and social outcomes. We are carrying out our activities on the basis of the Responsible Business Strategy for 2020-2025, which sets out the priorities for our activity. We also use the tenets of the Deutsche Telekom Group strategy, which sets out the additional goals that we implement within the Group. We know that this approach will allow us to make an even greater positive impact for our surroundings and stakeholders. Together, we can act on a larger scale and achieve significant results, for example, in reducing the environmental impacts.

As part of the Group’s goals, we act together to achieve the environmental objectives:

  • 100
    zielonej energii
    do 2021 roku
  • 0
    emisji pośrednich
    i bezpośrednich (netto)
    do 2025
  • 0
    emisji dla całego łańcucha
    dostaw do 2040
  • 25
    redukcja emisji
    w przeliczeniu
    na klienta

In March 2021, the Deutsche Telekom Group set itself new, ambitious targets. Under the new strategy, the company wants to meet the (net-)zero target for direct and indirect emissions in 2025 and the supply chain target already in 2040 — 10 years earlier than originally planned.

The CR Strategy of T-Mobile Polska sets out three main pillars, and RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT is the cornerstone of these. The strategy allocates strategic goals and their performance measures to the fundamental area and to each of the three strategic directions.

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Our goals:

Mission of T-Mobile Polska

Our mission is to create an environment in which modern technologies serve the sustainable development of the community. As the market leader, we define our responsibility as a provider of innovative solutions in the area of modern technologies.


Sustainable Development Goals

International cooperation and acting together for the more sustainable future of our planet are becoming increasingly important. That is why we have for several years supported the accomplishment of Sustainable Development Goals, because we want to really contribute to the changes around us.

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