Social involvement – Introduction

As part of our support during the SARS-CoV2 outbreak, we have committed ourselves to working for the benefit of broad audiences. While implementing our initiatives, the most important thing was that we should use the resources available at T-Mobile and our capabilities — knowledge and skills of employees as well as the services offered.

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Our aim was to make our resources available, helping to improve working conditions and the lives of the needy.

We addressed our measures to the medical services to make it easier for them to perform their daily tasks, but we also noticed the needs of students or seniors, and the possibility to use T-Mobile services in response to these needs. We know that the initiatives we took were an important part of help to society.

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In 2020, we made social investments of nearly PLN 900,000. This enabled us to support employees’ internal volunteering activities, or Magenta Dream Makers. Part of this amount was donated.
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In addition to social and charitable activities, T‑Mobile is also an active co-creator of the Polish e-sport market: we have extended T‑Mobile sponsorship to the University League (the only student league in Poland), ESL Polish Championship. In 2020, we became the official sponsor of the Poland national football team, including the national team, under-21 football team as well as youth and women’s football teams. We are also a partner of the ‘Football Connects Us’ (Łączy nas piłka) website, where most important information about the matches of our national teams is published.

T-Mobile’s involvement in the COVID era

During the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, we decided to support our employees not only by providing the right working tools, but above all by taking care of their wellbeing in the company. Working remotely in our homes, with the number of meetings with other employees significantly reduced, we were all forced to cope with compromised job satisfaction, and a deterioration in wellbeing. In order to protect employees’ well-being.

Activities for the benefit of employees

T-Mobile Polska prepared, among others, sessions, webinars and workshops on how to deal with the new working conditions. We have also activated a psychological support helpline and made individual phone calls to more than 300 critical employees to check on their health and arrange for assistance if needed.
In order to communicate with employees better, we launched a special website with all information about COVID — employees can find there, among other things, presentations of safety rules and tips on working in the new reality. We have also launched a special COVID HR Helpline for employees, the purpose of which is to respond to questions about the new situation, clarify doubts about the rules in force and regulations implemented by the government
Almost all employees were offered the opportunity to work remotely, while having access to all data from home.

Therefore, we made it possible for our employees to borrow the company’s office equipment (such as chairs, monitors, etc.) to take it home. We also equipped employees with additional accessories, such as headphones. We removed broadband limits to make work over the internet easier. We improved our remote work tools, e.g., MS Teams. In addition, employees’ laptops had a new RAM upgrade in order to improve remote working. Furthermore, special parcels containing sanitizers, protective equipment and a set of healthy products were sent to the private addresses of employees working remotely.

In order to ensure safe working conditions for employees in our stores, who were most exposed to customer contacts and the risk of becoming infected with the virus, we constructed special desk barriers. At the same time, we provided all sales network employees with protective equipment, such as masks or sanitizer liquids. In order to limit contact with customer service staff, we offered the users of our network to contact the customer service via remote communication channels.

  • ‘Magenta family quarantine’ (Rodzina Magenta na kwarantannie) — a programme dedicated to quarantined/isolated employees, enabling them to get help with the shopping, buying medicines at a pharmacy, walking a dog, etc.
  • Private COVID tests for employees who had contact with anyone affected by COVID. Temporary closure of some zones in offices and disinfection following a confirmed COVID case.
  • Launching a private medical helpline dedicated to our employees only.
  • Employee training on, for example, ways to work efficiently from home. Manager training on, for example, ways to manage remote work efficiently.
  • Meetings (webinars) with external experts, for example, with Prof. Simon.
  • Flu vaccination for all willing employees.

Supporting healthcare

Together with myPhone and HAMMER partners, we supported three facilities — the Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, the Hospital in Zgierz and the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław, by providing a total of 40 telephones with SIM cards for the medical teams. mPTech tablets were also handed to the last-mentioned facility.

Together with the organisers of ‘Dose of Support’ (Dawka Wsparcia) project, T-Mobile launched a helpline to provide psychological support to healthcare professionals who fight the epidemic. As an operator, T-Mobile covers all costs of operating the hotline available at +48 800 012 006.

3D printers were used to prepare several dozens of sets of parts to assemble the face shields for the medical personnel. With 3D printers, T-Mobile managed to manufacture a whopping 100 sets consisting of a headband, a protective shield and special rubber. The sets were delivered to medical facilities in Radom, Warsaw and Cracow.

T-Mobile becomes a partner of Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM

T-Mobile has also become a partner of Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM operating at the Polish Center for International Aid under the aegis of the WHO. During the pandemic, the organisation, among its other activities, supported the medical professionals in Lombardy and Kyrgyzstan and, having gained valuable experience in the fight against the threat there, shared the experience with physicians in Poland and provided hospitals with its stockpile of protective equipment and sanitizers, disposable garments, gloves and hospital field tents.

Supporting the elderly

T-Mobile Polska, as part of #READYTOHELP campaign organised by the Legia Foundation, has shared and configured a dedicated helpline which can be used by the seniors to get comprehensive help during the COVID-19 epidemic.

The #READYTOHELP campaign was addressed to the elderly, whose health and lives are at particular risk during the epidemic. T‑Mobile Polska has set up a special helpline for seniors over 65 years of age who can call and get support, for example, use a helpline ( service, prepared by the ‘Open Ideas’ (Otwarte Idee) Foundation together with T‑Mobile Polska), arrange for the preparation and supply of food and medications, get hot meals or technological assistance (operating a computer, finding the most important information on the internet, handled by T‑Mobile employees).

Especially for seniors who stay at their homes and cannot contact their relatives, T-Mobile has set up a free-of-charge ‘Have a Chat Helpline’ (Telefon Pogadania). The helpline was created as a result of collaboration with the ‘Open Ideas’ Foundation. Several hundred volunteers were involved in the campaign, including several dozen volunteers who encourage the elderly to stay at home and support them by talking to them. A free-of-charge helpline for seniors is available at: 800 012 005. Calls are answered by a group of volunteers between 3pm and 8pm, but the availability will increase as the initiative develops. The Foundation attaches great importance to making sure that the volunteers are well-prepared to hold the talks, and to developing sensitivity to the needs of the elderly.

Supporting online education:

  • T-Mobile, together with the Ściernisko Foundation, have donated 20 tablets to two children’s homes: one in Lubsko and one in Kożuchów. We have thus joined the #NotebookChallenge. It is an initiative created by the Ściernisko Foundation and Robert Motyka, a well-known actor of the Polish Paranienormalni comedy group. This is a response to major equipment gaps at children’s homes and child care centres in Poland which, during the pandemic, must provide means of remote education to children under their care.
  • Teachers could expect cybersecurity training courses. Together with the Digital University Foundation, we have prepared BNET educational project. In 2020, 11 free-of-charge online cybersecurity training courses took place, and they were attended by a total of more than 300 pedagogues.
  • Bachelor, Master and PhD programme students could use e-learning platforms owned by 32 universities in Poland without using up the data in their packs.Since 1 April, university e-learning platforms could be used without consuming the data provided under data packs of T‑Mobile customers.

Online laughter therapy

As part of our cooperation with the ‘Dr Clown’ Foundation, we have donated more than 50 tablets which went to 40 hospitals and rehabilitation centres throughout Poland. There, they serve as means for carrying out the Foundation’s usual activities in a remote setting. The equipment donated will be used to operate a ‘Laugh Phone’ (Śmiechofon), which will be used by children to quickly and conveniently call Clown Doctors and schedule a virtual appointment full of smiles. The tablets also contain educational materials, including a video series: ‘Virtual Institute of Good Fun’ (Wirtualny Instytut Dobrej Zabawy), the aim of which is to help children have a nice time while staying in hospital.

Trends during the pandemic

In May, we launched a website where T-Mobile started publishing information and analyses on trends relating to the use of telecommunications services in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The data, that were developed in an accessible way, are to serve as a reliable source of knowledge for anyone searching for information about the accelerated digital evolution happening in front of our eyes. On the portal, visitors will find content such as interactive graphs showing data in the context of the consumption of digital and telecommunications services. The project website can be visited at

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