We support organisations and institutions

Text messages for charities

T‑Mobile cooperates with nearly 20 Foundations and Associations, providing support by SMS messaging for charities, as part of which we give our profits for charitable purposes. The organisations get free charity numbers to implement their statutory objectives. In this way, our competences and capabilities support the much-needed social initiatives. One hundred percent of proceeds from charitable campaigns is transferred to the account of the societal organisation. We currently provide numbers of, among others, the TVN Foundation, the Polsat Foundation, Caritas Polska, the Spring Foundation or the Akogo? Foundation. Every year, we also get involved in the campaign of the Federation of Polish Food Banks or the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

Cooperation with the ‘Akogo’ foundation

For several years now, we have been a partner of Ewa Błaszczyk’s ‘Akogo?’ Foundation. The foundation helps children with serious brain damage, frequently in a coma. T‑Mobile provides financial support for statutory purposes, and a high-speed internet connection on the premises owned by the foundation of the ‘Alarm Clock’ (Budzik) Clinic.

Child Alert

T-Mobile was the first operator in Poland to establish Child Alert cooperation with the Police Headquarters. It is an alert system managed by the Missing People Search Centre of the Police Headquarters, which helps searching for missing children with the use of technology. It consists of rapid alerts by all society via all available media, including mobile phones, about a missing or abducted child. If the system is activated, T-Mobile sends a special MMS to customers (Child Alert).

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