We promote safety principles


Lately, many Poles have moved most of their activities into the Internet. However, it should be remembered that online activities such as shopping, banking transactions, email correspondence or communication with our loved ones through social media may be used for fraud or other attacks by cyber criminals. It is therefore crucial to ensure online safety. Last year, we launched a campaign at T Mobile to remind people of the most important principles of online safety.

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During the pandemic, school students also started learning remotely, using popular communicators. T‑Mobile calls for safe and informed use of communicators and platforms for remote work and learning. These tools are often installed on both private and business internet-enabled mobile devices.
We know that in order to stay safe online, we must use the available tools in an informed manner;
Therefore, as part of our informative campaigns, we encourage parents to check if the authorisations enabled on the tools used by their children are limited to the necessary ones, and if they are adapted to the children’s age. Devices should also be properly secured with authorised antivirus software.

Basic safety rules for using applications:

  • before installing the app/communicator, check the reviews and download the installation package only from the official side of the manufacturer
  • before installing any app on the phone (even a free game for children), read the consents you are about to give
  • make sure to regularly update all applications you use on your computer or smartphone
  • avoid additional fees and give an informed consent to any additional options
T Mobile has signed a cybersecurity agreement In March, we signed the Cooperation Agreement between the Minister of Digital Affairs, NASK, UKE and the telecommunications operators: T Mobile Polska S.A., Orange Polska S.A., Polkomtel Sp. z o.o., P4 Sp. z o.o. The aim of this cooperation is to stop mass fraudulent data acquisition incidents and funds of Internet users during the ongoing pandemic.

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